Organic vs Paid Marketing

Find out the differences between organic and paid marketing, and learn new ways to utilize each of them.

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Published July 19, 2018

Organic vs Paid Marketing

What is the difference between organic
and paid marketing?

Both organic and paid marketing can greatly benefit your business. However, organic and paid marketing methods are separate but effective methods. Organic marketing is defined as getting your customers to come to you naturally over time, so in the case of internet marketing, that means simply using social media platforms to promote your business without paying to promote any of your posts. However, paid marketing means paying a small price to further promote your social media presence. With paid marketing, you can define a demographic to market to, making your social media marketing methods even more effective.

How can both paid and organic
marketing methods be effective?

Both mediums are great for furthering your online presence and making your business's online footprint more prominent. By using organic marketing methods, you can not only keep your customers updated but also create a sense of familiarity that allows them to be more involved. Organic methods are great for preexisting customers to keep up with your business. Alternativly, paid marketing methods are not only effective but also efficient. They allow certain demographics to be targeted for advertising, allowing more people to discover your business. This solution helps to cover targets that are not already customers, allowing you to encourage them to become customers.

How to ensure that you are marketing to a more diverse demographic.

Find out how Linx can help your business market to not only an appropriate demographic, but one that is more diverse.

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Published May 28, 2018

Social Icons

How can Linx ensure that you are marketing
to the appropriate demographic?

When Linx sets out to build your online presence, our focus is on constructing an appropriate curation of marketing methods that allow your business to be seen by those who are intended to be marketed to. By marketing to the correct demographic, you are ensuring that you will be found by those who are potential customers, in which will, in turn, make them customers. You must always have a target demographic when marketing your product or service, however, it may be possible to market to a new demographic, therefore enabling you to expand your current target demographic.

How to implement solutions that
create diversified marketing methods.

While it is critical that you understand your target demographic when developing proper marketing methods, it can also be beneficial to diversify your target demographic by learning the ways in which you can do so. When it comes to your online presence, the concept is fundamental. For example, other age groups are more familiar with different platforms. Therefore, if you were to try and market to a younger demographic you may want to consider using a social platform such as Instagram, or Snapchat. However, if you are looking to market to an older age group, you may want to consider utilizing a platform that people in your target demographic are more familiar with, so for example, Facebook. Nonetheless, if you were looking to market to both you would want to utilize all social platforms in order to attain a more diverse target demographic.

Celebrating #SmallBusinessWeek by increasing your focus on your small business.

Find out how Linx can help you focus more on what your business does best.

To inquire about information in this article, shoot us an Email.

Published May 1, 2018

Dalton, Georgia

How can Linx allow me to bring more focus to
what my business does best?

An online presence must be constantly managed and kept up, and managing that online presence can become a hassle for small businesses. More focus on your business can help you excel in your businesses area. Linx has a solution to this dilemma. Rather than being pestered with the task of managing your online presence, you could be investing your focus into your business itself. With Linx, the stress of ensuring that your online presence is properly and consistently updated is alleviated as that job becomes ours. We will ensure that your online presence looks great, fits your needs, and is updated as needed.

Simple solutions that
promote small business.

Linx has the ability to become your business's marketing team in which is responsible for how your business looks online. This helps to alleviate the stresses that are caused due to the conflict of having to focus more on how your business looks online, rather than focusing on your business itself. Linx is a simple solution to that problem, allowing you to focus more on what your business excels at. Linx offers solutions are both effective and affordable. The implementation of a Linx online presence is simple and is available at the dial of a phone call or the click of an e-mail.

Why Choose Linx?

To inquire about information in this article, shoot us an Email.

Published March 11, 2018

Dalton, Georgia

How does Linx benefit your business
more than DIY website builders?

The big picture question consists of the reasoning behind choosing Linx over online do-it-yourself website builders. The answer to a question such as that relays around the quality of your online presence. Managing your online presence can be a hassle, there is always something to do, whether it involves a social media platform, your website, your online marketing, or even your marketing materials. Linx is the one-stop-shop solution to all of that, allowing you to focus more on what your business does best. With DIY website builders, you don't receive the same amount of support and interaction that allows you to have a great online presence.

How Linx Helps To Provide a
Custom Tailored Online Presence.

The advantages to Linx keep on coming as Linx provides a custom-tailored online experience for your business, an experience that cannot be replicated by DIY website builders. The experience provided by do-it-yourself website builders is one that is not unique and that has been replicated by thousands of other businesses. For some, the solution to that dilemma is to hire an individual website designer that can design a template to be used for DIY website services, however, web designers alone can cost upwards of $350. With Linx, packages are all-inclusive allowing your online presence to prosper. In addition, all packages that Linx provides stay below the $300 mark, allowing for an online presence that not only looks great but also does not break the bank.